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Filtermat Adapter

Filtermat adapter for Microplate reader

Hidex offers a complete solution for everyone who is looking for a cost-effective way of doing filtration liquid scintillation assays in standard SBS microplate format. Hidex filtermat microplate adapters are available in both 24 and 96 well versions. The adapters are suitable for any type of glass fiber filtermat with different thickness including MeltiLex® scintillator. The adapters are made of cocktail resistant plastic with an exceptionally glossy surface, providing the best possible counting efficiency.

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Convenient liquid scintillation counting assays

  • Cost effective liquid scintillation assays
  • Upto 30% higher signal than other filtermat adapters

Product description

The Hidex Filtermat Adapter well positioning is similar to other microplate counters, making it possible to prepare the filtermats using the same Harvester head. The Hidex Sense microplate reader is an unrivaled choice when looking for a modern LSC detection system. The Sense Beta Plus is the only reader that measures both LSC assays and all common non-radioactive assays. The Hidex Sense is also available as a LSC Beta only model. Read all about the Hidex Sense microplate readers:

Microplate readers

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