Scintillation cocktails for sample preparation

Sample preparation for LSC

Hidex offers chemicals for combustion counting for LSC sample preparation perfectly compatible with instruments, such as, Hidex 600 OX Oxidizer, Harvey, Raddec & PerkinElmer pyrolysers and oxidisers.

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Solutions for LSC sample preparation

  • (CT/10) CarbonTrap is a high-capacity carbon dioxide absorber used to trap radioactive carbon dioxide produced in all commercial sample oxidisers and pyrolysers

  • (CC/10) CarbonCount is a pseudocumene based cocktail specially formulated for counting radio-carbon dioxide trapped in CarbonTrap. Flash point of approximately 50°C. Suitable for use in all commercial sample oxidisers and pyrolysers

  • (TC+/10) TritiumCount+is an NPE free pseudocumene based LSC cocktail for tritium trapping after combustion and counting in all commercial sample oxidisers and pyrolysers

  • (461-071) Oxidizer 600 OX Radiocarbon is the premium all-in-one product for 14C trapping & counting specifically with Hidex oxidiser

  • (461-073) Oxidizer 600 OX Tritium is the premium all-in-one product for Tritium trapping & counting specifically with Hidex oxidiser

Ordering Info

Code Name Quantity


1 x 1L
CT/10 CarbonTrap 4 × 2.5 L
CC/10 CarbonCount 4 × 2.5 L


1 x 1L
TC+/10 TritiumCount+ 4 × 2.5 L
461-071 Oxidizer 600 OX Radiocarbon 1 L

Oxidizer 600 OX Radiocarbon

4 x 2.5L
461-073 Oxidizer 600 OX Tritium 1 L
461-073_10 Oxidizer 600 OX Tritium 4 x 2.5L

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